Onesha Liyanage

John Possumato FTT Chat Embedded Finance & Super-Apps Thumbnail
Amazon is harnessing the power of embedded finance to better serve their customers. So can you.
One of Amazon’s core leadership principles is “customer obsession”. Determined to create the best possible...
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Check out what’s changing with checkout  
Can you remember shopping for groceries as a child?   Bored and restless, you’d trail behind...
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embedded finance cost of living crisis
The opportunity for embedded finance during the cost-of-living crisis
The cost-of-living crisis continues to grip the nation.   Electricity prices in the UK rose...
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image to represent customer data graphs measurements analytics analytic
What’s their mother’s maiden name? … and other customer data you should collect
Data is eating the world, and its sharp rise to becoming the top priority for...
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What’s on the horizon for embedded finance & super-apps in 2023?
The pandemic fast-tracked digitalisation across multiple sectors, with the embedded finance revolution gaining momentum at...
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Introducing Customer Alpha
Technology has revolutionised how we interact with brands, both on and offline. With the pandemic...
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