FTT Embedded Finance


What’s on the horizon for embedded finance & super-apps in 2023?

The pandemic fast-tracked digitalisation across multiple sectors, with the embedded finance revolution gaining momentum at lighting speed as a result.  

We’ve spoken to a broad range of industry experts to discover the most exciting areas of development in 2023. Read on to find out about the latest trends in embedded finance and what to expect this year!

Understanding the elements of the embedded finance ecosystem  

The world of fintech is in constant flux and understanding the role of various stakeholders in the embedded finance ecosystem, and how they interact with each other is crucial for the development of a successful embedded finance strategy. Understanding the evolution of the embedded finance ecosystem in the context of drivers such as the current economic environment, the way big tech is transforming the financial fabric of the digital payments space, the opportunity for embedded finance in the metaverse, the growing universe of non-financial companies exploring embedded finance is vital. 

The practicalities of designing and creating a successful super-app 

Super-apps are the future. The tech landscape across Asia has been forever changed with the likes of Alipay and WeChat providing their consumers with all-in-one platforms for payments, messaging, shopping and more. Despite the Asian uptake of Super-Apps however, their creation and integration into European markets has been nothing short of slow and so, the potential for super-apps in the West remains untapped.  

Revolut, Caura,  DriveitAway and Avenews-GT are prime examples of  the potential of super-apps. Each company has worked hard on strategies to overcome the technological, budgetary and resource constraints preventing their progress, paving the way for others. Europe is on the verge of uncovering the power of Super-Apps, and 2023 looks like the year it may just happen!  

Fintech evolution during the cost-of-living crisis  

As the cost of living affects communities across the globe, the opportunity for embedded finance and fintech to deliver on their promise to benefit individuals has never been more important. We’ll delve into  how embedded finance can better serve consumers by helping them build credit history and access the financial services that will support them in navigating the cost-of-living crisis. We’ll also explore the deep potential for embedded finance to positively impact society from an environmental, social and governance perspective, leaving you with a fresh perspective on the utility of embedded finance to make a meaningful impact on the world.  

The time to invest is now 

With interest in embedded finance picking up pace, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends and opportunities in the space. That’s why we’re assembling the full ecosystem of collaborators to explore and debate each of these key areas at FTT Embedded Finance & Super-Apps Europe (13th May 2025, London).

If you’re a retailer, manufacturer, insurer, telco, financial institution or tech company, this event is here to help you. Through focused panel discussions and keynote presentations, alongside access to a community of highly engaged fintech professionals, you’re bound to leave with the knowledge you need to implement true embedded finance transformation at your business.

About the author

  • Onesha Liyanage
    Senior Conference Producer

    As Senior Producer for the Embedded Finance and Customer Alpha portfolio, Onesha works with financial service experts to explore challenges and opportunities in the fintech universe. She has a keen interest in how technology is revolutionising the payments landscape and writes regular discussion pieces on all manner of topics related to trailblazing payments innovation, super-apps and the consumer experience.

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