FTT Embedded Finance


Customer attention is the most prized commodity

Ed Ackerman, Chief Customer Officer, Qover, Video interview image

We sat down with Ed Ackerman, Chief Customer Officer at Qover to discuss embedded finance.

Qover’s mission is to provide a safety net that allows people go and live their best lives. As an orchestrator of seamless and embedded insurance experiences, Qover works with partners (insurers and brands that we know and love) to co-create and distribute insurance products.

With customer attention being the most prized commodity of all in a busy digital world,  meeting the customer at point of need and in a channel where they are already engaging  is the best route to success. Embedded finance products offer an opportunity to win that crucial attention.

Listen to the full interview below to learn more about the power of embedded insurance.

If you are passionate about embedded finance and the opportunities it creates, then the Embedded Finance Stage at the FTT Fintech Festival, this November in London, is the place for you.

Register now to join in the conversation. The full embedded finance ecosystem that Ed discusses in his interview will be there. Don’t you want to join?



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