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Digital Reports

Employees with benefits

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As global interconnectedness soars, so does the need for innovative employee benefits. Traditional compensation packages no longer suffice.

The modern workforce – shaped by the rise of the gig economy and the shift to remote or hybrid work and changing values – requires flexibility, personalisation, and alignment with their evolving needs. Companies are increasingly turning to digital solutions that enable them to meet those demands and offer the type of compensation packages that retain top talent at a lower cost of delivery.

Learn from those at the forefront of this transformation:

  • Delve into the disruptive trends that are reshaping the employee benefits landscape.
  • Understand the role of innovative technologies and providers in helping organisations adapt to the needs of a changing workforce.
  • Discover strategies to ensure your organisation remains competitive in this new era of work.

Featuring insights from: 

  • Viren Patel, Financial Services Industry Strategist, Workday    
  • Luis Rocha, Co-founder & CMO, CoverFlex 
  • Annamalai Thani, Co-founder & CEO, HariGaji  
  • James Simcox, CPO & Managing Director International, Equals Money  
  • Anna Porra, CRO, Paymentology  

Nothing beats a first-hand account of those at the forefront of delivering transformative and personalised solutions that match the needs of the modern employee. Download the Report now!

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