North America | December 4 – 5 | San Francisco

FTT Embedded Finance
FTT Embedded Finance

Register now

Meet leaders from retailers, manufacturers, insurers, telcos, financial institutions, fintechs and innovative technology providers. Qualifying attendees can apply for a free pass. Please see below.

Rockstar live pass


Limited places remaining
  • Access to Strategy stage
  • Access to Industry Focus stage
  • Ability to curate bespoke schedule via VCI Live App
  • Access to matching making and meeting scheduler via VCI Live App
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Access to networking drinks
Embedders Free

Apply now

Limited places remaining
  • Access to Strategy stage
  • Access to Industry Focus stage
  • Ability to curate bespoke schedule via VCI Live App
  • Access to matching making and meeting scheduler via VCI Live App
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Access to networking drinks

*Complimentary passes are only offered to banks, challenger banks, insurance companies, building societies and credit unions, retail, e-commerce, crypto exchanges, crypto wallets, marketplaces, freelancing and social platforms, gaming, healthcare, entertainment, travel, telecommunications and mobility businesses.
Successful applicants are expected to accept 10 double opt-in introductions / meetings with pre-selected sponsors.