Not working '9 to 5' - Meeting the expectations of the modern employee
A virtual experience, powered by Paymentology
10th December 2024 | 14:00 (GMT) | 15:00 (CET) | 9:00 (EST)
An interactive webinar
The demand for talent is playing out across an increasingly global market. Given the rapid changes in work structures over recent years, businesses must adapt – and so must benefits programmes and payment solutions. The one-size-fits-all approach is no longer an option. Solutions must be as flexible as the modern workforce.
Change is not costless, however, either in addressing new complexities (remote staff/hybrid working) or evolving employee demands. Companies must adapt to keep pace with those shifts or lose access to top talent.
Join us for a webinar exploring these changes. Learn how companies are leveraging technology, including innovative payment solutions and insight to better meet the needs of a modern labour force with new attitudes to work and expectations of compensation packages.
Explore and better understand:
- The shifting expectations of an increasingly global talent pool and how to better meet them.
- The existing inefficiencies of traditional and overly complex employee benefit disbursements.
- Growing the utilisation rates of employee benefits packages and eliminating financial waste.
- How to leverage digital payments solutions to create more flexible and personalised offerings in real-time.