Unboxing the next generation
of embedded finance
FTT Embedded Finance & Super-Apps
Embedded finance is teeming with possibilities and catalysing creative customer solutions across every industry. To explore this topic, NatWest Boxed and VC Innovations, the architects of Fintech Talents, brought together a unique and highly engaged community at an exclusive event in London.
Embedded finance, by definition, requires the collaboration of a diverse set of partners and that diversity was well represented through the industry speakers and experts in attendance.
2023 Key themes

Explore the possibilities of embedded finance to provide customers with the financial products they both want and need, just when they need them. Financial services, however, is a complex business. Understand how the right BaaS provider can underpin the safe, compliant, agile, and sustainable provision of financial products and services for end users.

Consumer behavior is changing and the expectation of being able to access what you need without encountering friction is here to stay. Understand the dynamics of non-financial brands as growing distributors of financial services. Embedding financial products into customer or employee journeys is an opportunity to leverage customer relationships to drive better outcomes, whilst creating new revenue streams.

The ability to offer a wider range of financial products and services to end users poses both strategic and technical questions. Understand how fintechs and non-financial brands are building out the customer proposition and sourcing the right partners to help them deliver a broader range of choice to end-users.
2023 Rockstar speakers
2023 agenda
16:00 – 16:30 Arrival and registration
16:30 – 16:40 Welcome & opening remarks: Introducing NatWest Boxed
16:40 – 17:15 – What components are needed to build a strong embedded finance strategy
- George Toumbev, CCO, NatWest Boxed (moderator)
- Simon Harris, Chief Growth Officer, ekko
- Ed Ackerman, Chief Customer Officer, Qover
- Kam Chana, Head of Future FS Lab, Royal College of Art
- Amit Malik, Supervisory Board Member, EBRD
17:15 – 17:50 – How do financial services and consumer brands join forces to create compelling customer moments
- Tom Bentley, Head of Growth, NatWest Boxed (moderator)
- Danielle Anderson, Executive Leader and Board Advisor, Customer Experience and Digital
- Josh Fabian-Miller, Managing Director – Credit, Currys
- Ravinder Lall, Head of Product, Snowfall
17:50 – 18:00 – Closing remarks
18:00 – 19:30 – Drinks reception
Post-event report
Over the last couple of years embedded finance has evolved from being an initial concept to a proven strategy, transforming how financial services are delivered and consumed as part of our everyday lives. From the way in which we purchase our daily cup of coffee to socialised payments, the opportunity to improve the way customers interact with their favourite platforms and brands is vast.
To explore this topic, NatWest Boxed and VC Innovations, the architects of Fintech Talents, brought together a unique and diverse community at an exclusive event in London to discuss the questions on everyone’s lips including how to create an embedded finance strategy, the value of great customer experience and how effective partnerships are the key to success.